Dr Shayesteh Jahanfar professor of UBC University from Canada paid a visit to Tehran Nursing and Midwifery School

Dr Shayesteh Jahanfar reproductive epidemiologist and associate professor of UBC University paid a visit to Tehran Nursing and Midwifery School on January 2nd.
The Public Relations of Nursing and Midwifery School reports; at a joint meeting with Dr Nikbakht vice-dean in international affairs, Dr Ziba Taghizadeh vice-dean in Research, Mrs. F. Rahimi Kian student and cultural deputy and Dr Khakbaz director of the Department of reproductive Health, pregnancy and childbirth School, which was held on Saturday 2nd of January at the Office of International affairs, Dr S. Jahanfar, reproductive epidemiologist and associate professor of the University of British Columbia, Canada discussed the possibility of holding a training course about the Cochrane systematic Review.
Dr Jahanfar, international teacher of Cochrane, announced the holding of 3 day workshop in Cochrane Systematic Review at the Faculty and said, April 2016 is an appropriate time for the workshop. She also said, she is ready to run workshops in statistical analysis with an emphasis on meta-regression.
She referred to, two methods of conference, webinar and workshop and said, the problem in telecommunication is in favor of workshop rather than webinar.
Dr Jahanfar said, at the 3 day workshop; principal of systematic review, statistical methods and specialized software which is necessary for the Cochrane system, will be discussed. She said, the workshop can accommodate 30 students who should be determined, active, enthusiastic and serious in scientific activities. They must also have English language skill and published English language article.
She added, in the workshop, the students will be divided into groups of 5-6 who are required to have an active cooperation as a team member. It must be said that, all activities of the teams will be traceable.
Dr Jahanfar said, every team needs to have a; facilitator, epidemiologist and statistic tutor. Each team is required to register a title in Cochrane and develop it for publication.
Dr Nikbakht welcomed the idea and called for the cooperation of international affair, research, midwifery and reproductive health departments as well as support of the faculty.
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